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Benefits of Virtual Info Storage

Virtual data storage can be described as technology that allows multiple distinct storage units, including classic legacy arrays, to be been able as a solo monolithic hard disk drive. It does this kind of by abstracting the physical disks or drives and presenting them to applications as a solo pool of capacity. This enables you to reduce the number of web servers needed to work your applications.

Traditionally, each request required a unique hardware (e. g. pic servers, email servers). This kind of resulted in a highly complex and expensive datacenter that was overloaded with different types of hardware. Storage virtualization removes this kind of complexity by simply allowing you to run all your applications on one or a significantly lowered number of servers, while maintaining the same functionality.

Reduced Costs

A key advantage of storage virtualization is a reduction inside the amount of hardware should support your applications. By simply by using a centralized pool area of virtual storage, you are able to reduce the volume of expensive and proprietary equipment that you need to obtain.

Improved Protection

Storage virtualization imposes info controls that will help you put in force consistent coverage across datasets and shield your most sensitive content material from incorrect access or apply. This helps you demonstrate compliance to InfoSec departments and reduce risk.

Simply by virtualizing important computer data layer, you may create business-friendly landscapes of your what is a bolt-on acquisition data on demand. You can even eliminate data replication simply by moving attractive and chilled data instantly without waiting for your nightly set run. Additionally , you can use a storage virtualization solution that supports heterogeneous arrays, just like HPE 3PAR, Dell Compellent or Clean Storage, and auto-tier all of them in the same virtual pool area.